In August 2007, more than 4 000 randonneurs will gather in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines to enter into the legend of the PARIS-BREST-PARIS (P.B.P.) Randonneur. Since 1931, thousands of randonneurs have tried their hand at the most famous brevet at “allure libre” (self paced rides), the 1200 km PBP, which must be completed in 90 hours, the present maximum time limit.
By entering this mythical ride, you will test your cycling agility and your human endurance.
They will strive to obtain their Personal Best or they will try simply to rally the arrival… but they will always do their best to live this adventure while supporting each other and building friendships with those who participate in this endurance monument, which is much more than a simple hike. No place of honour, nor any podium, only the pleasure of the challenge alone will help them to overcome the suffering... and the magic moment of the arrival will obliterate the doubtful moments on the roads of Brittany or of Normandy.
They will not be alone : they will be in the company of entrants from all over the world. They will appreciate the charms of France and they will be united by the same goal: to rally BREST and return to PARIS.
They will not be alone : many spectators - or rather admirers – will encourage them throughout their journey, indeed will support them in attaining the fixed goal. They will appreciate also the hundreds of volunteers who will help them throughout the journey.
As always, the future of this event will be a function of everyone behavior on the road. Authorizations are difficult to obtain, so we ask for respecting the rules of the road and to always have safety in mind.
A big thanks to the city of GUYANCOURT and to the “Communaute d’agglomeration” of SAINT-QUENTIN-en-YVELINES who will welcome you for the departure and the arrival of this 16thPARIS-BREST-PARIS Randonneur and who have put at our disposal their site and their competence to offer this event.